Yes you may! You may log in to HP PAY App and follow the below process to buy Gift/Insta vouchers.
- Click on Insta Vouchers section on the home page of the HP PAY App
- Then, click on Redeem Happy Coins/Shop for Insta Voucher
- Choose the brand of your choice and buy vouchers redeeming your Happy Coins or buying it using any other mode of payment
Don’t worry. There are a few quick self-help checks that you should try:
- Are you following the correct redemption process? Check for the correct redemption process in the “How to use” section of the Brand Page.
- If the steps are correct and if it is still showing as “Invalid”. Don’t worry,click hereto raise your concern and our team shall resolve your query as early as possible.
This can happen occasionally due to network issues. Here is what you can do:
- Check if you have received the Voucher E-Mail. This can go to your SPAM / JUNK mailbox too.
- If you have not received your Gift Vouchers on E-Mail as well, pleaseclick hereand raise your concern and our team shall resolve your query as early as possible.