

How to redeem a GyFTR Pay voucher?

  1. Login to using the registered mobile number.
  2. Click on the top right link of the home page where your GyFTR PAY balance is displayed.
  3. On the page that opens, click on the “GyFTR Pay” option present on the left side of the page. Click on the “Add Money to GyFTR Pay” button.
  4. Enter the GyFTR PAY voucher code received via Email/SMS and then click on the Add Money to Wallet button.

The voucher amount will get added to your wallet instantly.


Terms & Conditions

  1. You can use your GyFTR PAY voucher balance to buy any brand voucher from GyFTR.
  2. You can add two GyFTR Pay vouchers in a single day.
  3. The person with the GyFTR Pay gift card / gift voucher code is deemed to be the beneficiary.
  4. The expiry date of the GyFTR Pay voucher is mentioned in the SMS/email. Once it expires, the GyFTR Pay voucher balance cannot be revalidated.
  5. The steps to purchase and redeem a brand gift voucher are mentioned on the specific brand page. You can also use the chat support assistant present on the bottom right of the page for this information.
  6. The GyFTR Pay gift vouchers are applicable for one-time use only.
  7. You won’t receive any refund / credit note for the unused amount of the GyFTR Pay voucher.
  8. In case of any dispute related to the gift card / gift voucher, the decision of the issuing company will be final.
  9. GyFTR accepts GyFTR Pay vouchers in most scenarios -- but may refuse to accept the same due to technical / administrative reasons.
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