Biba Voucher Code

How to Redeem Biba Voucher Code?

Imagine getting designer ethnic wear at an exclusive discount! It’s possible only with a Biba Voucher Code.

Find the latest and trendiest collection of Indian Ethnic wear. Celebrate your roots & flaunt your ethnicity. You won’t just find apparel but also jewelry to perfectly match your ethnic look

But Why would you need a Biba Voucher Code?
If you long discounts, a Biba Voucher Code will bring you that extra discount you’re looking for. The best part is that a Biba Voucher Code can also be used during ongoing sales. How cool is that?

How to Redeem Biba Voucher Code?

Follow the steps given below to redeem your Biba Voucher Code

  1. Visit
  2. Add the outfits you want to the cart.
  3. On the payments page, click on the GyFTR tab.
  4. Enter the Gift Cards code and press the Confirm button.
  5. The voucher will be redeemed instantly.

Frequently Asked Questions about Biba  Voucher Code

What is a Biba Voucher Code?

The Biba Voucher Code is a digital Voucher Code. You can use the Biba Voucher Code to pay for your shopping. You should use a Biba Voucher Code for a smooth shopping experience and maximum savings.

Where Should I Buy Biba Voucher Codes from?

GyFTR offers Biba Voucher Codes in the form of an E-Gift Card. You can find that at a discount. GyFTR will instantly deliver your Biba Voucher Code to your registered mobile number via SMS, Email, or Whatsapp.

Can I share my Biba Voucher Code with someone else?

Yes!! You can share your Biba Money Voucher Code with your friends, family, associates, etc. You just have to share the accurate details and Pin.

Do Biba Voucher Codes Expire?
Yes, Biba Voucher Codes are generally valid anytime between 6 to 12 months. The expiration date will be given in your Biba Voucher Code details

Where Can I Find the Voucher Code Pin?

Your Biba Voucher Code Pin is easily available in your Biba Voucher Code details.

What If I lose my Biba Voucher Code?
If you lose your Biba Voucher Code, follow the given steps to recover it :

  1. Visit
  2. Press the Virtual Chat Assistant icon present at the bottom right side of the screen.
  3. Choose the option “I can’t find my voucher.”
  4. Enter the registered mobile number used to purchase the BibaVoucher Code.
  5. From the listed brands, select ‘Biba’
  6. Choose the transaction date to recover your Biba Voucher Code

You’ll receive the Biba Voucher Code after the final step.

What should I do if my Biba Voucher Code status is already consumed?
If the status of your Biba Voucher Code is shown as consumed, Kindly contact Biba support to verify the Voucher status. This is everything you need to know about a Biba Voucher Code.

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