1.This is a HealthKart Insta Gift Voucher and would be accepted only at HealthKart.com and on app
2.The person who has the HealthKart GV Code is deemed to be the beneficiary.
3.Multiple Gift Vouchers can be used in one single purchase. You can add the vouchers in your HK account as HK Cash on HealthKart.com
4.HealthKart Gift Voucher is a One-time use Gift Voucher
5.No Credit note / Refund for the unused amount of the HK Cash balance will be given
6.HealthKart Gift Voucher CANNOT be revalidated once expired.
7.HealthKart Gift Voucher CAN be used during the sale period
8.If the order value exceeds the e-Gift Card amount, the balance must be paid by another payment option.
9.Any dispute related to the GV should be referred to the issuing company and the decision of the issuing company shall be final.
10.HealthKart makes full efforts to accept Insta Gift Vouchers (GV), but on account of any technical reasons GV may not be redeemed.
11.For any queries / issues related to GV / GC, raise a request at www.gvhelpdesk.com